Meet our leading instructors at Hand Coach.
Our Instructors
Alison has 30 years’ experience in Occupational Therapy and Hand Therapy.
She graduated from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 1993 with a BSc Degree in Occupational Therapy. She then worked for a few years in New York and London, developing her passion for paediatrics, neuro and hand therapy. Choosing to emigrate to New Zealand in 1998, Alison took a role as OT Section Head of burns, plastics and hand therapy at Middlemore Hospital, helping plan and develop the growing services there. Alison moved into private practice, working and co-partnering a clinic with a hand therapy and vocational rehabilitation focus.
When she started her family in 2004, she made the choice to work part time in private practice, while continuing to enjoy a great work-life balance with her family. She has maintained a clinical caseload, while also supervising, training, coaching and mentoring OT and physio colleagues for the past 20 years.
She has been involved with Hand Therapy New Zealand on the Education Committee for many years and continues to be involved with the AUT Hand and Upper Limb (HAUL) post graduate program. She has presented splinting workshops throughout the country since the very first Smith & Nephew courses back in 2000 and with Therapy Specialties / At Therapy since 2004!
These courses are approved by Hand Therapy New Zealand as part of the pathway toward achieving full registration.

Alison Coyle
Registered Hand Therapist, MOTNZ
Deane Bell is a passionate occupational therapist and Registered Hand Therapist with over 10 years experience in the burns and scar management service at Waikato Hospital. Deane has always had an interest and drive for education within this setting and helped mentor therapists around New Zealand, offering advice and education within this area, working closely with the burns and plastics surgical team to help push and drive development and initiatives within this area.
Having 2 young girls, her career pathway has moved to the private setting close to her family home in Cambridge. Her drive is to ensure clients participate collaboratively with their scar rehab through good education / understanding, and to use evidence based practice within the development of personalized treatment programs.