Supervision & Mentoring
We offer Supervision & Mentoring at your clinic or remotely.
Personal note from Alison:
I recognise that the earliest challenge as a new grad, is the reality of putting theory into practice. That challenge (hopefully!) continues as your experience, knowledge base and expertise grow – any inspirational clinician should never stop learning, and then transfer that learning into action! Clinical reasoning, practical skills, sensible ideas, challenging personal and professional growth – these are what make me tick! Whether you are new to the profession, or a time-weathered pro, you can continue to grow and develop. New Zealand has an awe-inspiring professional group of hand therapists and we have so much talent right here! Whether you are looking for mentoring, coaching, supervision, teaching, or practical workshops, you’ve come to the right place.

Alison Coyle
Registered Hand Therapist, MOTNZ
Hand Therapy Supervision:
If you are an Associate Hand Therapist, on the pathway toward achieving fully registered status, you will require to be supervised during this process. Please see the HTNZ supervision guidelines: View Here.
The good news is that I can offer this formal supervision 1-on-1 (or in a group at times) even from remote locations, thanks to technology like Zoom! I am also able to travel, to visit you in person at your clinic, periodically if required. I offer this service for Occupational Therapists and / or Physiotherapists. I am also happy to provide formal supervision to experienced clinicians looking to challenge themselves and achieve their fullest potential. Please contact me to discuss packages and options.
Occupational Therapists: Please refer to the OT Board of NZ guidelines: View Here.
The OTBNZ places requirements on the scope of practice of certain practitioners at the point of registration. OTBNZ’s requirements for a recertification programme for registration are: 1. New Graduate: practice is subject to weekly supervision for the first 12 months of practice 2. Return to Practice in New Zealand: practice is subject to fortnightly supervision for the first six months of practice 3. Overseas Qualified Registrant: practice is subject to fortnightly supervision for the first six months of practice. 4. Restoration to the register: Decision on a case-by-case basis.
If you fall into one of these categories, I can help! Please contact me to learn about options / packages etc. If you are already registered, practicing, with no conditions on your scope of practice, and simply wish to have supervision from an experienced, dynamic, solutions-focussed clinician, contact me! I am also happy to offer e-portfolio supervision. I can offer this formal supervision 1-on-1 (or in a group at times) even from remote locations, thanks to technology like Zoom! I am also able to travel, to visit you in person at your clinic, periodically if required.
Please contact me to discuss packages and options.
Alison has nearly 30 years’ experience in Occupational Therapy and Hand Therapy.
She graduated from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 1993 with a BSc Degree in Occupational Therapy. She then worked for a few years in New York and London, developing her passion for paediatrics, neuro and hand therapy. Choosing to emigrate to New Zealand in 1998, Alison took a role as OT Section Head of burns, plastics and hand therapy at Middlemore Hospital, helping plan and develop the growing services there. Alison moved into private practice, working and co-partnering a clinic with a hand therapy and vocational rehabilitation focus.
When she started her family in 2004, she made the choice to work part time in private practice, while continuing to enjoy a great work-life balance with her family. She has maintained a clinical caseload, while also supervising, training, coaching and mentoring OT and physio colleagues for the past 20 years.
She has been involved with Hand Therapy New Zealand on the Education Committee for many years and continues to be involved with the AUT Hand and Upper Limb (HAUL) post graduate program. She has presented splinting workshops throughout the country since the very first Smith & Nephew courses back in 2000 and with Therapy Specialties / At Therapy since 2004!
These courses are approved by Hand Therapy New Zealand as part of the pathway toward achieving full registration.